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The Most Demanded FAST Genre in 2024: News

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2024 is the ultimate election year. A total of 91 countries—including the U.S., the U.K.美国、印度和27个欧盟国家将举行选举. 在这种背景下,看到平台和新闻媒体巧妙地利用他们的网络百家乐软件也就不足为奇了 FAST channel strategy. The BBC News FAST channel launch was perfectly timed in that regard. BBC新闻现在可以在Pluto TV等平台上作为FAST频道收看, Samsung TV Plus, Xumo Play, VIZIO, and more.


原因很简单:流媒体平台将自己定位为有线电视和广播电视的替代品, 他们必须提供后者所做的,甚至更多.


新闻创造了不可错过的文化和教育时刻. The sector faces several headwinds though, such as news avoidance, distrust, or simply a decrease in interest, as evidenced in 路透社研究所2023年数字新闻报道.

declining interest in news over time

Declining interest in news over time

因此,新闻机构不能依靠他们的传统配方向今天的观众传递新闻. 他们必须以普及为目标,同时采用他们所处理的每个分销渠道的代码. 就在新闻媒体开始拥抱抖音(TikTok)等新平台的时候 Brut’s account) or Instagram (see BBC News’ Instagram account, with its more than 27 million followers), 他们应该拥抱FAST,以满足他们花时间的受众.

What Does the FAST News Landscape Look Like?

Let’s start with the home of FAST: the U.S. In February 2024, the U.S. had 1,横跨19个平台的951个直播FAST频道(ABC), CW Channels, Fire TV, Freevee, Google TV, LG Channels, Local Now, Peacock, Plex, Pluto TV, Redbox, Roku Channel, Samsung TV Plus, Sling Freestream, Tubi, VIDAA, ViX, VIZIO WatchFree+, and Xumo Play), according to CRG Global’s latest report, in partnership NAB Amplify.

新闻类节目占FAST频道总节目的17%, 拥有325个本地频道(同比增长23%), national, and international outlets. This may seem like a lot, 但这些数字在当地新闻频道中迅速增加, which have been burgeoning in the U.S. (231 out of 325 channels).


ABC News may have been the first major U.S. network to get into the FAST business. 2018年,当Roku推出一系列FAST新闻频道时,它推出了ABC新闻直播, along with Cheddar News and PeopleTV. Since then, 这一类型已经见证了十几个一线品牌的进入, including CBS, CNN, Fox, and others.

tier 1 news brands with us fast channels

Tier 1 news brands with US FAST channels

What About Europe?


  • 广播公司-欧洲新闻、RTVE、法国24小时、非洲新闻、BFMTV
  • Pure players—Ticker News, Reuters
  • 报纸:《百家乐软件》、《百家乐软件app最新版下载》、《百家乐软件》
  • 国际媒体- cnn,彭博社,NBC NOW新闻

european live fast news channels

European live news FAST channels

How Is the Performance?

您可能听说过FAST的性能数据很少. Amagi’s Global FAST Report 仅提供通道性能的部分视图, 因为收集的数据只涉及使用Amagi技术的FAST通道, such as Fintech TV, AccuWeather, NBC, and Vice Media. 但它的优点是让我们知道这类游戏在《百家乐app下载》中的表现. According to the report, 在2023年第四季度,新闻占据了总流媒体时间的37%和广告展示量的35%.

amagi top 3 fast genres


What’s Next?

无论你是否进入FAST,重要的是要认识到时代在变化. 观众正在从付费电视转向CTV,从传统媒体转向数字媒体. 最好的策略是一个多方面的策略,你要展示你的品牌, your editorial, and your content everywhere
your audience hangs out. 并不是每个人都能在FAST中获得一个高级位置.

News outlets better get to it now.

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All the News That’s Fit for FAST

新闻广播是FAST发展最令人兴奋和增长最快的领域之一, 最近,BBC/AMC 24小时直播的FAST新闻频道宣布开播. Other legacy media news broadcasters, such as Scripps, Sinclair, Hearst, and USA Today, have also entered the FAST news space, many of them with a focus on local content. 快速新闻的当前趋势和挑战是什么? 在本文中,几位领先的行业评论员提供了见解.

New Tubi Streaming Report Reveals Gen Z & Millennial Preferences for SVOD & FAST

Tubi, 福克斯公司的广告支持流媒体服务, 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》发布了调查结果. In this year's report, Tubi, 与哈里斯民意调查合作进行调查的人, 提供了一个深入了解的行为和偏好,今天的主播,以帮助通知营销策略. 流媒体的泰勒·内斯勒采访了Tubi的辛西娅·克莱文格, Senior Vice President of B2B Marketing, 关于该报告的许多主要发现及其揭示的内容

Welcome to FAST Times

《百家乐软件app最新版下载》让所有人都达成了共识:无论你是内容提供商,FAST都应该成为媒体组合的一部分, a broadcaster, or a distribution platform.


As we move well into the era of FAST 2.0, 在早期为FAST带来成功的策略还能带来回报并确保持续增长吗? 现在是FAST先锋们重新创新的时候了吗? YouTube黄金时段频道的成功能给FAST品牌带来什么经验呢, less Wild West-like FAST ecosystem? Tastemade's Evan Bregman, ESHAP's Evan Shapiro, Gusto TV's Chris Knight, 和TMB的卡梅隆·萨莱斯在这段来自2023年流媒体连接的视频中讨论.


为什么新闻广播公司对流媒体的适应如此缓慢, 这让它不得不在最近几年迎头赶上? Paramount's Corey Smith, Boston 25 News' Ben Ratner, Straight Arrow News' Rob Dillon, 和马纳特的埃里克·伯格纳在2023年流媒体连接的小组讨论中讨论了这一片段.